Need to pay your taxes online? Please find instructions below.


Want to pay through the IRS Direct Pay? Please visit this link:

If you already have an EFTPS account setup, please visit this link:

  • If you are paying business taxes, enter the businesses EIN number
  • If you are paying personal taxes, enter your social security number
  • Proceed to enter your PIN and password and login to make payment

If you DO NOT have an EFTPS account setup, please visit this link:

  1. Accept the Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act.
    1. If you are paying business taxes; select Business under the “Enroll me as” section.
    2. If you are paying personal taxes; select Individual under the “Enroll me as” section.
  2. If you are a Business – you will need to input the following information:
    1. Business information: Employer Identification Number (EIN), Business name, and Business phone
    2. Contact information: Individuals name, address, and phone number)
    3. Financial information: Select “Authorize a transaction yourself” (This is the most common option) Enter the routing number, account number then select the account type either checking or saving.
    4. Click review and verify all your information is correct, if so, proceed and complete the application.
      (IMPORTANT: After the IRS has validated your information, you will receive a Personal Identification Number (PIN) via U.S mail in 5 to 7 business days to the address the IRS has on record. You will need this PIN to make payment, be sure to retain this in a secure place.)
  3. If you are an Individual – you will need to input the following information:
    1. Personal information: Primary taxpayers Social Security Number, Name, and phone number
    2. Contact information: Primary taxpayers name, address, and phone number)
    3. Financial information: Enter the routing number, account number then select the account type either checking or saving.
    4. Click review and verify all your information is correct, if so, proceed and complete the application.
      (IMPORTANT: After the IRS has validated your information, you will receive a Personal Identification Number (PIN) via U.S mail in 5 to 7 business days to the address the IRS has on record. You will need this PIN to make payment, be sure to retain this in a secure place.)